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How Do I Join?            


What do presbyterians believe?

The Presbyterian Church (USA) is a church of great diversity unified by our beliefs and traditions.  At the core of our beliefs is the sovereignty of God, the authority of Scripture, justification by grace through faith and the priesthood of all believers. We confess our beliefs through statements contained in the Book of Confessions.  We believe …find out on the PC(USA) website.

Doors to enter for Worship & Sunday School

Enter the right-hand door located under the “Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church” lettering at the parking lot entrance to the Breezeway.  Handicapped accessible doors are on the left of this entrance.  The button to open the door is on the left.  There are signs in the Breezeway to the office and other locations.  There is a sign on the wall at the portico “Sanctuary Entrance”.  This door under the portico offers a level entrance to the Sanctuary.

Tell me about Communion

Everyone is welcome to participate in the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.  You don’t have to be Presbyterian or a member of any church. Children are encouraged to participate with guidance from those around them.

Frequently asked questions

Can children take Communion?


What activities are available for children and teens?

We provide programs for children and teens to help them enjoy their MPC experience.  A Safe Church policy and screening of volunteers insure the well being of our children and teens.  For more information explore our menu pages for Children and Teens.

What should I wear?

Wear what is comfortable for you.  There is no dress code – some people dress up, some come in casual clothes, some wear shorts or jeans.

What about taking pictures during the worship service?

Flash photography can be distracting so we ask that photography that requires flash wait until we can stage the moment after the service. We do not allow flash pictures during our worship services. If you have questions regarding videotaping or photography, especially for a funeral or baptism, contact the office or one of the pastors.

How do I become a member?

If you have visited Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church and feel at home here, we encourage you to become a member.  Some of our members are new believers and some are life-long Presbyterians.  Many come from other protestant denominations and from other faiths.  All are brought together in Christ through fellowship, study, and service.

Membership at MPC begins with attending the “Inquirers’ Classes”.  The purpose of these classes is to help people deepen their understanding of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and how following Jesus is expressed through membership in the Presbyterian Church.

Speak with Rev. Sutphin or call the office (717-697-0351).
Office hours
Monday – Thursday: 9 – 4:30 PM
Fridays: closed

Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church
300 East Simpson Street | Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
