%25252522The dimple in your right cheek%2525252C the child playing peek a-boo from his stroller%2525252C the abuelita who spends her afternoons in the park by 86th%2525253B the teenagers on the subway who cannot control their laughter%2525253B Neil%2525252C my neighbor%2525252C who always asks about you%2525252C the mother who whispers a dozen times a day%2525252C %25252527thank you%2525252C Jesus%2525252C thank you%2525252C Jesus%2525252C thank you%2525252C Jesus...%25252527%25252522 %252525E2%25252580%25252594 Excerpt from %252525E2%25252580%2525259CWhere I Saw God Last%252525E2%25252580%2525259D by Rev. Sarah Speed %2525257C %25252540sanctifiedart

"The dimple in your right cheek, the child playing peek a-boo from his stroller, the abuelita who spends her afternoons in the park by 86th; the teenagers on the subway who cannot control their laughter; Neil, my neighbor, who always asks about you, the mother who whispers a dozen times a day, 'thank you, Jesus, thank you, Jesus, thank you, Jesus...'" — Excerpt from “Where I Saw God Last” by Rev. Sarah Speed | @sanctifiedart

Author: Pastor Kathryn
December 18, 2022


Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church
300 East Simpson Street | Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
