%2522When we consider Mary%252C Joseph%252C and Jesus%25E2%2580%2599 story as refugees%252C fleeing from an enraged despot...

"When we consider Mary, Joseph, and Jesus’ story as refugees, fleeing from an enraged despot...

Author: Pastor Kathryn
January 02, 2023

"When we consider Mary, Joseph, and Jesus’ story as refugees, fleeing from an enraged despot, I wonder about the people who came alongside them. We know the example of the Magi, who protected the Holy Family by going home another way. Yet, surely, there were others too... I give thanks for the strangers who became friends and family through solidarity with the Holy Family, wanting a better world, not only for themselves, but for a refugee family too."
— Dr. Christine J. Hong
Commentary on Matthew 2:1-23 for @sanctifiedart


Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church
300 East Simpson Street | Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
