%2522Like Joseph woke from sleep to find his pathway had been changed Still here today God calls us all to choose the better way Beyond our wildest dreams is still a calling that remains Oh there is a better way God%2527s better way Oh%252C we can choose the better way%2522 %25E2%2580%2594 from %2522A Better Way%2522 by Rev. Anna Strickland for %2540sanctifiedart

"Like Joseph woke from sleep to find his pathway had been changed Still here today God calls us all to choose the better way Beyond our wildest dreams is still a calling that remains Oh there is a better way God's better way Oh, we can choose the better way" — from "A Better Way" by Rev. Anna Strickland for @sanctifiedart

Author: Pastor Kathryn
December 16, 2022


Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church
300 East Simpson Street | Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
