%2522I realized that both %255Bplowshares and pruning shears%255D are used in the process of regeneration%252C but they are not in themselves symbols of a bountiful harvest. Like gardening%252C %2527learning war no more%2527 is a daily practice requiring dedication and lots of trust that we are truly cultivating an environment for God%25E2%2580%2599s peace to one day bloom.%2522 %25E2%2580%2594 from the artist statement for %25E2%2580%259CWar No More%2522 by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity %257C %2540sanctifiedart

"I realized that both [plowshares and pruning shears] are used in the process of regeneration, but they are not in themselves symbols of a bountiful harvest. Like gardening, 'learning war no more' is a daily practice requiring dedication and lots of trust that we are truly cultivating an environment for God’s peace to one day bloom." — from the artist statement for “War No More" by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity | @sanctifiedart

Author: Pastor Kathryn
December 01, 2022


Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church
300 East Simpson Street | Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
