%2522%255BMy great-aunt%255D Peanut learned to cook early on because she wasn%25E2%2580%2599t able to work in the fields with the rest of her family. Her pecan pie was my Poppa%25E2%2580%2599s absolute favorite. Her pie was a seasonal treat because she had to wait for the pecan trees to drop the nuts%252C and she cracked them each by hand.%2522 %25E2%2580%2594 Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman%252C reflecting on Peanut%2527s Pecan Pie %257C %2540sanctifiedart

"[My great-aunt] Peanut learned to cook early on because she wasn’t able to work in the fields with the rest of her family. Her pecan pie was my Poppa’s absolute favorite. Her pie was a seasonal treat because she had to wait for the pecan trees to drop the nuts, and she cracked them each by hand." — Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman, reflecting on Peanut's Pecan Pie | @sanctifiedart

Author: Pastor Kathryn
December 17, 2022


Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church
300 East Simpson Street | Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
