%22%5BMy grandmother%5D gifted me two watercolor brushes%3B she saw the artist in me. My mother%2C my daughter%2C and I added water to the paint that Nana had placed on her palette so many years ago. We took turns with the brushes. Adding water%2C letting generations flow into one another%2C we painted.%22 %E2%80%94 from the artist statement for %22Dance of the Soul%22 by Hannah Garrity %7C %40sanctifiedart

"[My grandmother] gifted me two watercolor brushes; she saw the artist in me. My mother, my daughter, and I added water to the paint that Nana had placed on her palette so many years ago. We took turns with the brushes. Adding water, letting generations flow into one another, we painted." — from the artist statement for "Dance of the Soul" by Hannah Garrity | @sanctifiedart

Author: Pastor Kathryn
December 21, 2022


Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church
300 East Simpson Street | Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
